Dompet Dhuafa Has Sent Thousands of PPE to Dozens of Hospitals throughout Indonesia

INDONESIA - Through the Crisis Center Block Covid-19 located at the DMC (Disaster Management Center) Headquarters, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten, Dompet Dhuafa has collected various kinds of donations from the community. One of them is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for medical personnel in handling Corona (Covid-19).

Various types of PPE and other medical equipment, such as masks, Goggle glasses, Disposable Coveralls, boots, Handscoons, Antiseptics, Alcohol, Hand Rubber, Thermoscan Guns, Hygiene Kits and Supplements, have been distributed by dozens of hospitals that handle covid-19 cases throughout Indonesia. As of Friday (10/4/2020), there were 73 health facilities that had received PPE from the Covid-19 Crisis Center. Dompet Dhuafa. This includes Referral Hospitals, RSUP, RSUD, Private Hospital, Primary Clinic and Puskesmas.

Among those farthest outside Java are Papua, Kupang, Flores, Lampung, South Sulawesi, South Sumatra, Central Java, Aceh and Makassar. In addition, many are on the island of Java.

Chairman of the Covid-19 Crisis Center Dompet Dhuafa, dr. Yeni Purnamasari, MKM, said that in total, thousands of PPE and medical equipment have been distributed. At most are N95 masks. Indeed, it is one of the PPE most needed by medical personnel today.

"Medical personnel in these areas, of course, also need adequate additional PPE. Because Corona does not only attack one area, but all of Indonesia, "said dr. Yeni. [DDHKNews / source: Dompet Dhuafa]