Building the Ruhiyah Intelligence of a Muslim

Oleh Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH

Summary of online review tausiyah on Sunday, 27 December 2020

Smart According to Islam  

Being smart, clever, smart, even genius is something that is proud of for anyone. He will be considered an amazing person and make those around him respect him. A student who becomes a class champion or a class star, for example, then the whole school community will surely congratulate him on his success.

If in world affairs alone humans are competing to be smart, then what about intelligence and intelligence for the afterlife? This should be a reflection for all of us to become smart Muslims. Not only for worldly affairs that are twinkling of an eye, but also for the affairs of the hereafter that will last forever. This will be a reminder for us because most humans are more concerned with the life of the world than the hereafter. Allah SWT said:

بَلۡ تُؤۡثِرُونَ ٱلۡحَيَوٰةَ ٱلدُّنۡيَا ١٦ وَٱلۡأٓخِرَةُ خَيۡرٞ وَأَبۡقَىٰٓ ١٧

Meaning: "But you (unbelievers) choose worldly life. While the afterlife is better and more eternal ”. [Surah Al-A'la: 16-17]

Rasulullah saw also reminded us to become intelligent Muslims who can gain huge profits and profits in the affairs of the hereafter. He said:

الْكَيِّسُ مَنْ دَانَ نَفْسَهُ وَ عَمِلَ لِمَا بَعْدَ الْمَوْتِ (رواه أحمد و الترمذي)

Meaning: "An intelligent person is one who is able to control himself, and do charity for (life) after death". (HR Ahmad & Tirmidhi)

This hadith is validated by Imam Suyuthi in his book Al-Jami 'As-Shoghir. Imam Al-'Ujluni said: "Hadith hasan marfu '(up to the Prophet). Even Shaykh Al-Albani said: "Al-Hakim confirmed it, and Adz-Dzahabi agreed". Intelligence is not a matter of reason alone, but must also be related to our spirit or soul.

From the hadith above, the lesson we can take is that someone has spiritual intelligence, if:

  1. Have a strong determination.
  2. Trying to take advantage of every momentum and opportunity that comes.
  3. Always be careful and alert so that his time is not wasted without being used for the good of the world and
  4. Always control and control himself and do good deeds for the afterlife.

Ruhiyah values

There are things that we must pay attention to so that we get the title of being spiritually intelligent Muslims. Among others are reflection/introspective/introspection.

  • Meditation before charity.
  1. Before taking action, it must be accompanied by sincere intentions because of Allah SWT. Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: "May Allah bless a servant who stops in his determination to introspect, if what he does is because of Allah, he will continue, if it is not for Allah, he will step back & undo".
  2. Think about whether he can or not. If you can, do it. But if you feel unable, then undo.
  3. Is there any benefit in his actions. If there is, then do it. But if not, then leave.
  4. Find the best time to do it.
  • Meditation after charity
  1. Meditation for the deeds he does, he should be able to maintain this sincerity.
  2. Meditation against actions that should be abandoned. If he does immoral, immediately ask forgiveness from Allah.
  3. Meditation regarding the affairs that are allowed, whether it is intended to sincerely worship because of Allah or not. Because things that are permissible will be rewarded if the intention is to worship Allah SWT.

The friend of Umar bin Khatab ra is someone who every night always hits his feet with a whip, saying: "What have I done today?".

Adab-Adab in Charity

So that the deeds we do are accepted by Allah and are not in vain, then we must pay attention to adab in our practice. Among others are:

  • Sincerely to Allah SWT and follow the Messenger of Allah.

Allah SWT said:

قل إنمآ أنا بشر مثلكم يوحى إلي أنمآ إلهكم إله وحد فمن كان يرجوا لقآء ربه فليعمل عملا صلحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا XNUMX

Meaning: Say: "Behold, I am an ordinary human like you, who was revealed to me:" That your God is one God ". If anyone expects an encounter with his Lord, then he should do godly deeds and he should not associate anyone in worshiping his Lord ”. [Surah Al-Kahf: 110]

Al-Hafizh Ibn Kathir said: "These are the two pillars of charity that will be accepted by Allah SWT, namely that deeds should be sincere because of Allah SWT & according to the Shari'a of the Prophet."

  • Mahabbah (love), khauf (fear), & king' (hope)

Al-Hafizh Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali said: "Some Salaf Ulama say:" Whoever worships Allah just because he hopes for HIS heaven, then he is a murji'i. Anyone who worships Allah only because he is afraid of HIS hell is a haruri (khawarij). Whoever worships Allah only because of love for HIM, then he is a zindiq. Whoever worships Allah out of fear, hope & love, then he is a believer. This is because a believer is obliged to worship Allah based on three aspects; mahabbah, khauf, & king '. All must be realized. Whoever neglects one of these three aspects, it means he has neglected some of the obligations of faith ".

Some salaf scholars agree that the portion of love must be larger, while fear & hope are balanced, so it can be said that the portion of love is 40, fear 30, & hope 30.

  • Acknowledge God's gift

The greatest pleasure after faith and Islam is taufiq or a gift that Allah has given us in the form of convenience and enjoyment when we worship Him. Even if a person cannot taste the sweetness of munajat to Allah, it means that he is actually being tormented because he does not enjoy the beauty of meeting his Lord. Allah SWT said:

قال يقوم أرءيتم إن كنت على بينة من ربي ورزقني منه رزقا حسنا ومآ أريد أن أخالفكم إلى مآ أنهىكم عنه إن أريد إلا ٱلإصلح ما ٱستطعت وما توفيقي إلا بٱلله عليه توكلت وإليه أنيب XNUMX

Meaning: Shu´aib said: "O my people, how would you think if I had real evidence from my Lord and he gave me good sustenance (should I disobey his commands)? And I don't want to offend you (by doing) what I forbid. I don't mean to except (bring in) repairs as long as I can. And there is no taufik for me but with (help) Allah. Only in Allah I put my trust and only to Him will I return ”. {QS Hud: 88}

  • Acknowledge shortcomings

This means that a Muslim acknowledges that no matter how much he has tried his best to do good deeds only because of Allah, he still acknowledges that there are shortcomings. However, he should not give up on this matter, so that he will remain consistent in observing obedience & avoiding disobedience.

  • Does not accompany goodness with immorality

The immorality in question is a major sin in the form of shirk, kufr, and the hypocrisy of aqidah which can invalidate one's deeds. Allah SWT said:

لۡإِيمَٰنِ لُهُۥ فِي لۡأٓخِرَةِ لۡخَٰسِرِينَ

Meaning: "And whoever disbelieves after believing (does not accept Islamic laws) then erase his practice and he is on the Day of Judgment including the losers". [Surah Al-Maidah: 5]

  • Do not accompany kindness with tyranny

Rasulullah SAW said: "Surely a person who goes bankrupt from my people is a person who comes on the Day of Judgment with the reward of prayer, fasting and zakat, but he has criticized this person, accused that person for adultery, ate this person's property, drained that person's blood, & beat this person . Then part of the rewards of kindness are given to this person, & part of the rewards are given to that person. If the merit of his kindness has run out before fulfilling all the obligations imposed on him, then some of their sins are taken and then borne on him, then he is thrown into hell " (Reported by Muslim)

Characteristics of Muslims Who Have Ruhiyah Intelligence

There are many things that indicate a Muslim has spiritual intelligence. Among others are:

  • Seeing everything as an opportunity to achieve and increase reward.
  • Doing good deeds that have exemplary value.
  • Prioritizing charities that are useful and have great rewards.
  • Worship in a way that can multiply merit.
  • Doing practices that are often underestimated.
  • Maintain continuity of charity.
  • Repent immediately and do not repeat disobedience. [DDHK News]