This is the Safe Limit for Fasting Diabetes Patients' Blood Sugar Levels

DDHK. ORG Diabetes has become a disease to watch out for lately. In terms of fasting, specialist doctors internal diseaseAccording to Dr. Herry Nursetiyanto, diabetics still have to make sure their blood sugar is within safe limits if they want it to be constant fast.

"The important thing is that fasting is safe, with blood sugar not less than 100 or not more than 250, it is safe. It is hoped that the range of 150-250 is still acceptable. If it is too low or too high, it is dangerous," he said in an online discussion in Jakarta, Saturday ( 25/3/2023) as reported Republika.

The requirements for fasting for people with diabetes, continued Dr. Herry, also depend on the level of the diabetes condition itself. If the condition is mild, it can be adjusted when taking the medicine at the time of breaking the fast or dawn and adopting a healthy diet.

However, if the condition is moderate to severe, you should consult a doctor so that the best advice can be given from the medical side.

"For those with severe diabetes and high risk, we usually don't recommend fasting medically. If those with high risk are forced to fast, what happens is that the risks outweigh the benefits," said Dr. Herry.

The doctor who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University said that people with high-risk diabetes such as high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) when fasting will have an impact on decreasing the function of other organs. In addition, if the sugar level is too low, it can cause loss of consciousness and lead to a hypoglycemic coma.

"If blood sugar drops below 70, there is a danger that the patient could go into a hypoglycemia coma because the body cannot get an adequate supply of carbohydrates, within a certain time. Within 15 minutes there will be brain damage so it is even more dangerous, usually in the elderly," said the doctor who graduated from SMAN 8 Jakarta.

In addition, it is also not recommended to fast if a diabetic patient is experiencing a cold or cough because of fears that complications will occur and the drugs consumed will increase. Dr. Herry also reminded not to overdo it in consuming sahur or breaking the fast so that you can get the healthy benefits of fasting and the bonus of a slim body.

"If we consciously fast properly, we should be thin. The problem has always been that if you fast, eat sahur and open one and a half portions, you will add a lot if you break your fast, so your weight swells," he concluded. [DDHK News]