Stress Can Cause Multiple Sclerosis Recurrence

DDHK. ORG – Stress cannot be underestimated. Stress can even cause a relapse multiple sclerosis.

Reporting from Republika, multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease due to chronic demyelination process in the central nervous system caused by autoimmune inflammation.

Researchers have been trying to identify the exact triggers of multiple sclerosis (MS), a debilitating condition that occurs when the immune system attacks the protective coverings of the brain and spinal cord.

Although the exact cause of autoimmune disease is still unknown, experts suggest that making certain lifestyle modifications such as eating a healthy diet, reducing stress, and exercising regularly can reduce the chances of multiple sclerosis recurrence.

A recent study conducted by experts in Michigan have confirmed the role of stressors in causing MS relapse.

Stressful events that occur both in childhood and adulthood can exacerbate disability in patients. Medical Daily reported on Thursday (25/5/2023), MS affects more than 2,8 million people worldwide.

Previous studies have found the condition is caused partly by inherited genes and partly by external factors such as lack of sunlight, smoking, teenage obesity and viral infections.

"MS is a leading cause of non-traumatic disability among young adults, and additional research is needed to identify external drivers of disability that can be treated or prevented, including stress, to improve functional outcomes," said co-author Tiffany Braley explaining the importance of the new study. .

The research team evaluated data from more than 700 people with MS and found that stressors at various stages of life such as poverty, abuse, and divorce can contribute to MS relapses. The research findings are published in the journal Brain and Behavior.

"Bad childhood experiences, which we call ACEs, and other childhood stressors can impact immune processes, inflammation, and behavior throughout life, and reduce adult stress resilience," said lead author Carri Polick.

Researchers believe the findings can help initiate improvements in current MS treatment methods, which now primarily focus on managing symptoms and avoiding triggers.

“This knowledge is needed to inform MS research as well as clinical care. Referrals to resources, such as mental health or substance use support can help reduce the impact of stress and promote well-being,” says Braley.

Check out five facts about multiple sclerosis:

  1. MS can be considered an invisible disease because the symptoms of the disease, which are most often possible, are not immediately apparent.
  2. Studies show that people who live in higher latitudes, or areas with colder climates, have higher rates of MS.
  3. Pregnancy can ease MS symptoms.
  4. Women are four times more likely to develop this condition than men.
  5. MS is often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are non-specific and can vary from case to case.

So that's about stress and multiple sclerosis. From now on, don't stress. [DDHK News]