Jamaah Saturday Shatin: Seeking knowledge is like drinking herbal medicine

People who seek knowledge are like people who drink herbal medicine. Even though it tastes bitter, it must be swallowed. The herbal medicine here is a medicine for people whose souls are sick because of a lack of spiritual cleansing.

"Maybe there are people who feel hurt, feel offended, with the words of ustadz in a recitation, but that is what is called jamu, even though it is bitter to be swallowed," said Ustadz Muhammad Nata from Adz-Dzikra Jakarta at an event held by congregation Saturday Shatin BMI. Hong Kong, in collaboration with TST Saturday, Nihayatus Zain, Nurmuslimah, Al-Amin, and PNS on Wednesday (25/1) at Shatin Park.

Even though the weather was rainy and the air was very cold reaching 5 degrees, the congregation was still excited to listen to the tausiyah delivered by the ustadz. Before Ustadz Nata delivered his tausiyah, Ustadz Asmari (National Qori) from Jakarta chanted holy verses Al-Quran in her voice so beautiful.

He explained, the way of conveying those who are mentally ill, so as not to feel offended, is in words that use the argument. Al-Quran, so that he could understand it and not feel hurt because God really said it.

Besides that, Ust. Nata also explained the characteristics of a pious wife. According to the ustadz Salafus Shaleh, these characteristics include lowering their gaze in front of the husband with respect, listening to the husband's words when the husband is saying something, the wife will say after the husband is finished, always preening for her husband or beautifying herself while she is with her husband, stand when she sees her husband coming or her husband is about to leave.

"In other words, welcoming your husband affectionately and letting go with great love. Such a wife will make the mercy of Allah SWT fall for her, "he added. The event was attended by about 500 people. (Lutfiana Wakhid / ddhongkong.org). *