Ustadzah Profile: Siti Hafidah Ayub Asnawi

Ustadzah Profile: Siti Hafidah Ayub Asnawi

Hj. Siti Hafidah Ayub Asnawi undergoes higher education abroad. He received his Lc degree after completing his undergraduate studies at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. While he earned his MA degree from Malaya University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

This Ustadzah who was born in Bogor, November 4, 1974, is active in filling recitations in several institutions and companies. Apart from being in the country, he is also active in preaching abroad. Among them, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Macau, and many other countries.

Currently, the wife of DR. H. Agus Setiawan, Lc. MA has duties in several institutions. Namely, as a coach at the KURSIYA Yatim Foundation, Bogor; Chairman of the Al-Azhar Asnawiyah Taklim Council, Bogor; Head of MTs Asnawiyah, Bogor; and permanent lecturer at STIQ al-Multazam, Kuningan, West Java.

The mother of Ukkasyah, Khansaa', and Rumaisha is also known as the author of the book A Story of Bukhara. [DDHKNews]