Child-Friendly Ramadan, What's It Like?

DDHK. ORG – Children become an important part when Ramadan arrives. Ramadan is a month full of wisdom. Not only for adults, but for children. This is the time to know that Ramadan is a month that kid friendly

Launch from Republika, the month of Ramadan is the perfect time to show children how extraordinary Islamic teachings

Launching the page, some of the tips below might be useful to introduce Ramadan to children.

First, get the children to decorate their homes during Ramadan.

Second, educate children about the meaning and purpose of Ramadan.

Third, involve children in preparing iftar and sahur.

Fourth, spend more time with children during Ramadan.

Fifth, ask the children to participate in charity.

Sixth, provide encouragement throughout the day and often praise their fasting abilities.

Reporting from Dataword, during Ramadan, children who are just learning to fast must feel thirsty and have a little difficulty fasting. Therefore, interesting tricks are needed to keep the kids excited during Ramadan.

Activities for the month of Ramadan for children are needed so that children are more productive and creative in fasting. Teaching children to fast has its own challenges for parents. Activities in the month of Ramadan for these children can be in the form of reading or creating certain works.

Month of Ramadan activities for children who are learning to fast need to be accompanied by their parents to be more enthusiastic and know the purpose of fasting.

Some examples of activities that can fill children's free time during Ramadan are reading books about Islam. This is an interesting activity to do. Besides being able to fill his free time, this activity will also broaden his horizons so that he can better understand Islam.

Books about the Islamic religion can be in the form of how to pray, the virtues of fasting, the privileges of the month of Ramadan, halal and haram food, things that must be avoided during the month of Ramadan, the privileges of the night of Lailatul Qadar, important events in the month of Ramadan, the first revelations of Rasulullah SAW, stories of the prophet and the messenger of Allah SWT, and so forth. These stories and knowledge will make him love Islam even more.

In addition, you can invite children to shop together. Teach children to be responsible for household activities and to prioritize items when shopping. Also give children the opportunity to choose the iftar menu they like. [DDHK News]

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