
Dompet Dhuafa (DD) Republika is a non-profit organization owned by the Indonesian people that serves to promote the social and human dignity of the poor with ZISWAF funds (Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, Waqf) and other funds that are lawful and legal, from individuals, groups, companies / institutions.

Its birth originated from the collective empathy of the journalist community, which has a lot of interaction with the poor, as well as frequent encounters with the rich. He initiated the management to build togetherness with anyone who cares about the fate of the poor.

Four journalists namely Parni Hadi, Haidar Bagir, S. Sinansari Ecip, and Eri Sudewo combined as the Founding Board of an independent institution Dompet Dhuafa Republika.


Since the birth of Harian Umum REPUBLIKA in early 1993, its journalists have been actively collecting zakat 2,5% of their income. The funds are channeled directly to the poor who are often found on assignments.

With fund management that is carried out on the remaining time, of course the collection and utilization of funds cannot be maximized.

In an activity at Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta, journalists witnessed empowerment activities for the poor funded by students. By setting aside pocket money, students help the poor. Social activities that have been done part-time within the Republic of Indonesia are also encouraged to be developed.

Moreover, at that time, the wider community was involved in channeling their donations through DD. In accordance with applicable legal provisions, DD is registered at the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia as an organization in the form of a foundation.


The foundation was formed in the presence of Notary H. Abu Yusuf, SH on September 14, 1994, announced in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 163 / A.YAY.HKM / 1996 / PNJAKSEL.

Based on RI Law No. 38/1999 on zakat management, DD is a zakat management institution established by the community. On October 8, 2001, the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia issued Decree Number 439 of 2001 concerning the CONFIRMATION DOMPET DHUAFA REPUBLIKA as a national level Amil Zakat Institution.


The start of the activity Dompet Dhuafa in Hong Kong was around 1999, when there was an Islamic organization in Hong Kong that invited DD Center to attend a da'wah activity. The results of DD's activities in Hong Kong motivated DD to take a deeper role in carrying out da'wah, empowerment, and education programs for migrant workers in Hong Kong.

Around 2003, a Program Division in DD named SPM (Friends of Migrant Workers) was created which focuses on four things, namely da'wah, education, advocacy, and empowerment. To support the activities and synergize the SPM program that focuses on the social sector, the Central DD feels the need to create a business unit to support the program in Hong Kong. So a money transfer program was created.

At that time DD cooperated with a business partner in Hong Kong to make money transfers, by sending Mohommad Toriq in 2003. On his way, it turned out that the money transfer activity was not successful because it was related to many things.

In 2004, a re-analysis of remittance activities was carried out and a recommendation was made to close it and shift the focus to the world of da'wah, education, and empowerment, which are badly needed by migrants in Hong Kong.

Then proceed with making the establishment permit Dompet Dhuafa. Finally, on April 25, 2005, DD received a license as Dompet Dhuafa Association Limited with the composition of the board of directors, including Yacob Ali, Rahmad Riyadi, Ahmad Juwaini, Jamil Azzaini, and Herman Budianto.

Then, as executive executive, a General Manager was appointed to run the organization. These are the people who have served as General Managers at Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong:

  1. Imazgie Togie (2005-2008)
  2. Abdul Ghofur (2008-2011)
  3. Ahmad Fauzi Qosim (2011-2013)
  4. Rovi Octaviano Vostany (2013-2015)
  5. Mohammad Ilham (2015-2018)
  6. Muhammad Imam Baihaqi (2018-present)

Thousands of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong have benefited Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) from the Shelter program, education, training, and also preaching. The aim of these programs is to train migrant workers so that they are successful overseas and independent in their own country.

In addition to channeling funds for empowerment in Hong Kong, DDHK also distributes assistance to the poor in Indonesia, in the hometown of migrant workers who are in fact deprived.

DDHK's closeness to migrant workers cannot be doubted. The operation of the programs is greatly assisted by volunteers who come from migrant workers. They take their time off to do activities at DDHK as volunteers.


Hong Kong was the first country to open an overseas branch. After that, followed by expanding branches to various countries including Australia, Japan, South Korea and the United States.

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