Time to break the fast for migrants or those on their way abroad

DDHK. ORG – It is very important to know the time of breaking the fast Muslims in any corner of the world. Hastening to break the fast according to the specified time is the right thing recommended in Islam.

Khithab Fasting and Iftar are reserved for Muslims based on the sunrise and sunset where they are.

For someone who does travel from west to east will experience a shorter fasting or breaking time. Conversely, if you travel the other way around, you will feel a longer time. However, this does not affect fasting people who travel, because the time to break their fast or fast follows the point where they are when they see the sun set or dawn in that area.

In the Al-Quran that fasting is ordered for believers, after that in surah Al-Baqarah 184-186 it is given relief for those who are on their way to make up qodho. This means that a believer who is traveling is not obliged to fast, the limit is up to three days, more than that is called a mukim and it is obligatory to fast.

As for the time of fasting mentioned in verse 187, ثُمَّ اَتِمُّوا الصِّيَامَ اِلَى الَّيْل then complete the fast until the time of Lail "Night". The word malam in European tradition, for example, is different from what is meant by Indonesians.

In summer, Europeans only enjoy 5-6 hours of sunset. That is, from 7 to 10 o'clock it is still light. If we follow the Indonesian clock, fasting is only 13 hours, Saudi 14 hours where the verse was revealed. This means that in the prophetic tradition, the day is only 13-14 hours. As for Europe such as France and so on noon until 18-19 hours. Denmark is more than that let alone a country near the pole, barely gets any night.

For European countries that already have a Fatwa Council, follow the local fatwa. In the case of Europe other than the region with the poles they fast until sunset. However, for the polar region follow the nearest Muslim region.

In this case, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a fatwa which was stipulated on June 1, 1980 which contained: "That the times for prayer and fasting in areas where the night and day are not balanced are adjusted to the time of the mu'tadilah (nearest balanced) area." Allah knows best. [DDHK News] 

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