The Virtue of the First Night Tarawih Prayer

DDHK. ORG – Tarawih or tarwih worship is a sunnah prayer that is performed specifically only during the month of Ramadan. Tarawih in Arabic is the plural form of تَرْوِيْحَةٌ which is defined as "a moment of rest".

The time for carrying out this sunnah prayer is after the Isha prayer and is usually done in person together di masjid. Rasulullah Muhammad ﷺ only ever did it in congregation on three occasions.

The Hadith mentions that the Prophet ﷺ then did not continue on the following nights for fear that Tarawih prayers would become obligatory upon Muslims.

Even so, the tarawih prayer has a priority that is not kidding. Starting from the first night even to the last.

Tarawih prayers are so special for reward hunters and His blessings. Even though it is not an obligatory service, many Tarawih prayers are performed because they have great benefits and rewards. Even the reward is like the worship of the Prophets and becomes a savior later in the hereafter.

Do you already know the virtues of the first day of tarawih prayer in the holy month of Ramadan?

Following are the virtues of the Tarawih prayer as quoted from the book Durratun Nashihin Fil Wa'zhi wal Ershad by Shaykh 'Uthman bin Hasan bin Ahmad Syakir Al Khubari as reported by: Tribune.

– The primacy of the tarawih prayer on the 1st night, the sins of the believer (who performs the tarawih prayer) come out as his mother gave birth to him in the world.

– On the 2nd night, the person who performs the tarawih prayer will be forgiven for his sins and the sins of his parents, if both are believers.

– On the 3rd night, the angels call from under the 'Arsh: "start doing good deeds, then Allah SWT will forgive your past sins".

– The virtue of the Taraweeh prayer on the 4th night. People who believe will get a reward like those who read the book of the Taurot, Zabur, Bible and Al-Quran.

– On the 5th night, Allah SWT will bestow rewards like those who pray at the Grand Mosque, the Prophet's Mosque and the Aqsa Mosque.

– The virtue of tarawih on the 6th night, Allah SWT gives him a reward like the reward for the person who performs Tawaf in Baitul Makmur and the Rocks asking forgiveness for him.

– On the 7th night, those who carry out taraweeh are as if meeting the time of the Prophet Musa and helping him from the attacks of Pharaoh's and Haman's armies.

That is the virtue of the tarawih prayer from the first night to the seventh maam. Hopefully it will be a separate motivation to perform special worship during Ramadan. [DDHK News]

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