The Meifoo Muslimah Council held the Akbar recitation

The Meifoo Muslimah Council (M3) BMI Hong Kong held a grand recitation with Ustadzah Karisma (a former child preacher from Madiun) at Meifoo MTR Exit B, Monday, January 2, 2011. The theme of this event was "Strengthening Ukuwah Islamiyah for Ridho Alloh SWT". In his tausiyah, Ustadzah Karisma said that even though we work hard, we can also participate in the activities of the dzikir council to strengthen the relationship with others.

Ustadzah Karisma also explained that prayer is number one because in the afterlife we ​​will definitely be held accountable.

"Hopefully our sisters who have not received guidance will immediately be given guidance and be aware before they become deceased or die," he said in Javanese.

"For those who are not veiled at all, in the afterlife, their hair will be pinned and lifted with a hot iron," he said. "Hopefully, before the death picks us up, we are in a state of true Islam," he hoped.

He added that giving donations and giving charity should not be stingy because these are our provisions in the hereafter that can reduce our sins.

According to the Chairman of M3, Sunarsih, the event was very sudden, but thank God the event went well. "Of course this is with the permission of Allah SWT and the cohesiveness of cooperation between M3 members," he said.

Around 650 people from the congregation (BMI HK) filled the venue in the park under the bridge. They admitted that they were very happy to get tausiyah from Ustadzah Karisma because the way of delivery was in Javanese which was thick and funny. (Tati Tia Surati / *

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