Life-Threatening Complications of Obesity in Children

DDHK. ORG – Obesity can attack all ages, including children. So this condition deserves attention parent because it can lead to various complications.

Obesity in children is diagnosed through weighing, measuring length or height, then calculating the body mass index.

Reporting from Kompas, experienced children overweight generally characterized by the following conditions:

Round face head

Chubby cheeks

Double chin

Neck looks short

There is a black spot on the back of the neck

Distended belly and folds appear.

Being overweight in children is not a condition that can be taken lightly. The reason is, your little one can experience complications that endanger overall health.

Consider the following explanation to find out the various complications of obesity in children. Obesity complications Quoted from Sehat Negeriku on Wednesday (8/3/2023), pediatrician, dr. Winra Pratita explained several complications that children can experience due to being overweight, namely:

Respiratory disorders

Being overweight can cause children to experience asthma or sleep apnea while sleeping. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes a person's breathing to stop temporarily several times. This can be marked by snoring during sleep

Heart Problems

Obesity is a trigger for cardiovascular problems, such as heart defects. Obese children usually also have high cholesterol levels. This can lead to an increase in blood pressure or a condition known as hypertension.

As is known, hypertension is a major factor in other cardiovascular diseases, namely heart attacks and coronary heart disease.

Reporting from Siloam Hospitals, this is because high blood pressure can make the heart muscles thicken and stiffen, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood.

Ultimately, the heart malfunctions because it is too heavy to pump blood.


Diabetes is a chronic disease that can also attack children. Type 1 diabetes in children is caused by several factors, including genetics or heredity and the immune system.

Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes is triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle, such as high-sugar foods, lack of exercise, and obesity.

Quoted from Yankes Kemkes, Basic Health Research Data (Riskesdas) shows the incidence of type-2 diabetes risk factors is 10,8% in children aged 5-12 years who suffer from obesity. Obesity can trigger complications that endanger the overall health of the child to the point of being life threatening. Therefore, parents need to change the mindset that fat children are not funny, but could be a characteristic of obesity that must be addressed immediately.

How to Prevent Obesity

Obesity in children can be prevented in the following ways:

Exclusive breastfeeding Doctor Winra explained, the first way to prevent obesity is by giving exclusive breast milk for up to 6 months and continuing for up to 2 years, accompanied by nutritious complementary foods.

Avoid giving sweet drinks to babies 12-24 months In babies 12-24 months, fathers and mothers should prevent their children from drinking sweet drinks, such as juice and excessive sweetened condensed milk. "What must be considered, parents should not limit the amount of food but ensure that the food available is healthy and accompanied by fruit and vegetables," said dr. Winra.

"Snacks are only given 2 times and only offer water when thirsty, not sweet drinks." he added.

Change Diet

Chairman of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, SpA (K) said that changing diet is the first step to dealing with children who are affected by obesity. Parents should stop giving low-nutrition foods such as junk food and replace them with natural foods (real food).

"Children are constantly hungry and have too many calories because they choose the wrong type of food (eating junk food), too often they are given foods with a high glycemic index or high in carbohydrates, sugar and flour," said dr. Piprim, quoted from Antara.

Piprim gave an example of food that should be consumed by your little one, which contains animal protein. For example, rice with scrambled eggs, fish or chicken.

Avoid Distractions During Meals

Getting used to eating together at the dinner table without distractions such as television or cellphones also needs to be applied by parents so that their little ones focus on their food. Parents can apply the above tips as a prevention of obesity in children.

In addition, take the time to consult with a pediatrician or nutritionist to monitor your little one's growth and development or discuss healthy menus for children. [DDHK News]


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