Anyang-Anyangan, This is the Cause and How to Treat It

Have you ever felt like peeing but can't? It could be that you are experiencing anyang-anyangan. It doesn't feel very comfortable.

According to CNN Indonesia, Andika Afriansyah, a urologist, explained that Anyang-anyangan is an uncomfortable feeling when urinating or after urinating. Discomfort can be in the form of pain when passing urine, a feeling of not completing after urinating, or a feeling of being blocked when urinating.

In the world of urology, anyang-anyangan is called lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).

The causes of anxiety are very diverse. Among other things, because urinary tract infections are caused by germs attacking the bladder, there are stones in the urinary tract, there is a blockage in the urinary tract due to an enlarged prostate (in men), or a smaller urinary tract due to repeated infections.

"But generally Anyang-anyangan is most often caused by urinary tract infections," said Andika.

Because they are generally caused by urinary tract infections, there needs to be treatment for urinary tract infections. You are recommended to see a doctor and will usually be given antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Handling at home can be by drinking water above 2 liters per day and not getting used to holding urine.

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