This is the Kafarat Rule for Repeated Intimacy in the Afternoon of Ramadan

This is the Kafarat Rule for Repeated Intimacy in the Afternoon of Ramadan

Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask a question.

If you have sex during the fasting month 2 times in different fasting years, will the fine be doubled?

Shukron, Chaplain.

Greetings, Fulanah


Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh.

Thank you for the question, may Allah forgive all of our sins. As stipulated in Islamic law, one of the causes of breaking the fast is the occurrence of marital relations (jima') during the day of Ramadan while fasting. Especially for this violation, Islam requires kafarah for the perpetrator, in addition to repenting not to do it again.

Imam Asy Syairozi in the book Majmu' Syarh al Muhadzdzab said, "If intercourse is carried out in two or several days in the month of Ramadan, then every day must be worn kafarah. Because every day of fasting is worship in itself. Meanwhile, if the intimate relationship is repeated twice a day, then the second intimate relationship is not subject to kafarah because the second intimate relationship is not considered fasting.”

In the book, Imam Nawawi wombahullah also said, "According to the Shafi'i madhhab, people who repeat intercourse in one day, then kafarahnya only once, namely to pay kafarah jima '(intimacy) the first."

He also said, "Meanwhile, if the jima' is done on a different day, then the kafarah that applies is for each day." This opinion is shared by the majority of scholars (the majority of scholars).

In conclusion:

First, if jima' is done repeatedly on one day, then it is only obligatory to pay kafarat for that day, because intimate relationships where both perpetrators are not considered fasting.

Second, if the jima' is repeated on different days, especially in the month of Ramadan in a different year, the majority of scholars assert that one kafarat is not sufficient, in fact he has to pay the kafarat for the number of days he spoils with the jima'.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


[Answered by: Ustadz H. Ahmad Fauzi Qosim]

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