The closure of 1000 Madrasas in Sri Lanka is considered a terror to Muslims

DDHK.ORG - A socio-economic and religious observer, Anwar Abbas, said that the move to close madrassas was an act of violence and terrorism by the Sri Lankan government against Muslims in the country. The impact is not only felt by Muslims in Sri Lanka, but also throughout the world.

"This action will clearly very, very hurt the Muslim community. Not only Sri Lankan Muslims, but also Muslims around the world, ”said Anwar, as reported Indonesian CNN, Monday (15 / 3 / 2021).

vice chairman Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) said MUI urged the Sri Lankan government to stop the policy. According to him, this clearly reflects an Islamophobic attitude or anti-Islamic sentiment and is unacceptable because it can damage and interfere with the rights of Muslims and world order.

Anwar also said the MUI asked the Indonesian government to make efforts and efforts to stop the excessive actions of the Sri Lankan government. "Those who no longer respect the religious freedom rights of Sri Lankan Muslims," ​​he said.

Security Reasons

The Sri Lankan government closed more than 1.000 madrassas and banned the wearing of the burkak for reasons of national security. Sri Lanka's Minister of Public Security, Sarath Weerasekera, said he had signed a cabinet approval sheet banning the full face covering worn by some Muslim women in the country.

“In the past, Muslim women and girls never wore a burkak. It is a sign of religious extremism that has emerged recently. We will definitely ban it, "said Sarath, as quoted by Reuters, Sunday (14/3/2021).

The Sri Lankan government also intends to close more than 1.000 madrassas. The closure was carried out on madrasas deemed to have violated the national education policy.

"Nobody can open a school and teach whatever you want to children," said Sarath.

Sri Lanka previously banned the use of burkak in 2019. The ban comes after the bombing of churches and hotels by Islamic militants.

The incident killed 250 people in Sri Lanka. After the incident, Gotabaya Rajapaksa was elected president and promised a crackdown on extremism. [DDHK News]

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