Police sue, Japanese Muslims win

DDHK News, Hong Kong - A total of 17 Muslim citizens in Japan are suing the Japanese police who are accused of leaking their personal data to the public. The Tokyo District Court won the lawsuit Wednesday (15/1/2014). The police had to pay them 90,2 million yen in compensation.

The police data leak occurred in October 2010. There were 140 important points that were leaked which the judge considered to have hurt the honor of Muslims. As a result, a number of Muslims who saw that they filed charges to court because they were accused of violating human rights, violated it privacy them, and even discredit them and Muslims as a whole.

At first, 17 people consisted of 14 foreigners, such as Algerians, Moroccans, Iranians and so on, while the other 4 were Japanese who were Muslim, demanding 187 million yen. But after 3 years of trial, the court judge, Shiseki Masamitsu, granted compensation of 90,2 million ten.

The Tokyo District Court noted that the leaked personal information was a huge violation of privacy and there was an obligation to prevent the outflow of police information.

Information collected by the police on the basis of such as access to the mosque, name and address, such as friendship with the plaintiff was also included in the data.

The target of the investigation is only because Muslims are illegal, said the judge. However, the Tokyo District Court added that in order to prevent international terrorism from occurring, the activity itself in the form of information gathering, cannot be avoided and can be justified.

The section of the police in charge is Division 3 Public Safety and Security which is responsible for information gathering and investigation of terrorism by Islamic extremists, file leaked on the internet. Apart from workplaces or photographs of Muslim faces, detailed information such as friendships and relationships and career family structures were also visible in the leaked confidential documents. A Tribunnews.com source revealed that out of the 13 foreigners and 4 Japanese citizens who sued, it seemed that none of them were from Indonesia.

A Tribunnews.com source at the Japanese police revealed that Wednesday (15/1/2014) night, the incident was beyond their expectations and there was absolutely no intention to offend the Muslims.

"We just want to anticipate terrorists, not Muslims. So please don't get the wrong perception. Meanwhile, the data leak was due to a virus from an internet system destroyer that seemed to be deliberately targeting us, ”he said. (tribunnews.com). *

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