The domestic workers are trapped in debt and hunted by loan sharks, their employers confide in them on social media

A female employer in Hong Kong poured out her heart (confided) on social media involving her foreign domestic workers (PRT). It was stated that the domestic worker had borrowed money from 8 different money lending companies towards the end of last year. Although some of the loans have been repaid, some remain unpaid and are in the hands of notorious loan sharks.

“The loan sharks relentlessly abused the domestic worker, who openly admitted to her that she had no intention of paying her debt. "What's worse, the domestic worker even gave her contact number to the loan sharks, so they received telephone calls and debt collection letters every day," Dimsum Daily reported.

In an effort to find a solution, the employer initially talked to the loan shark and urged the domestic worker to pay off the debt. However, the foreign domestic worker, whose country it was not stated, who had just received her salary, now admitted that she was unable to pay back her loan. Unsure of how to handle the debt collection situation, he sought advice from the online community. He asked whether the loan shark should visit his house and how he should respond.

The employer explained that she was confused and hesitant about terminating her domestic worker's services because she was currently helping care for a newborn baby, and her overall job performance was satisfactory. In addition, the domestic worker had assured him that he would not run away and intended to continue working. As a precaution, he plans to install a closed-circuit television (CCTV) system at his front door to reduce potential risks.

Some of the comments suggested that the employer should look for new domestic workers. After receiving advice from concerned netizens, the employer who confided in social media expressed his gratitude and finally stated that he would look for a new domestic worker.

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